Widening Participation Program


The weakness of social mobility and the early selection in the educational system is a general problem in Hungary. Pupils coming from underprivileged background, already when choosing secondary school don't have the chance and the opportunity to enter in a school which prepares them to higher education. They are also lacking information about the possibilities of education, therefor the awareness of learning and education is low.

The lack of educational history, positive experience and support within the family and educational institutions derives to lack of motivation not only to study and to improve skills, but as a consequence, lack of motivation to be active on the labor market.

 Project goals:

  • To enhance social mobility through education.
  • To provide support and motivate young people, coming from disadvantaged socio-economical background, to believe that they are also capable to enter good quality secondary and higher education.
  • To raise aspiration.
  • To engage educational institutions and teachers - elementary schools and universities - focusing on raising awareness and providing the methodological knowledge and tools in order to be able to make a change.
  • To strengthen civic engagement among CEU community.

 Target group:

Primary school students between the ages of 10-14, coming from lower socio economical background.

 One element of the program is ”Discovery Days” - offering schools an opportunity to visit the University, to experience new activities and facilities. Ideally, CEU volunteers visit pupils in their school before they come to CEU, introducing the concept of university and preparing the kids for the visit. Also, there is a second visit after the event, when CEU volunteers go back to schools to work with students to reflect on their personal strengths and their options for the future.

The personal interaction and experience can help bringing students closer to an unknown world, it strengthens dialogue and relationship between CEU community and visiting students and teachers.