Support for Ukraine

As CEU's Rector and President Shalini Randeria said, "war against Ukraine is an assault on the values of liberal democracy and open societies that CEU stands for", we at the Community Engagement Office are committed to actively support individual and collective efforts of the CEU community and our local partners in Austria and Hungary to address the current needs of those impacted by the war in Ukraine.  

Current students and employees can get involved in the projects, and stay up to date on various initiatives and volunteer opportunities on Sharepoint here (requires institutional access).

Past Projects 

CEU Donation Drives 

CEU community are organizing Donation Drives in Vienna and Budapest to collect aid items that are sent to organizations working in Ukraine and refugees at the border. Follow the work of our volunteers on Instagram @hrsi.ceu and Facebook @HRSI.ceu! 

Find more information about the Donation Drives in support of refugees from Ukraine here  

Supporting refugees in Budapest and Vienna 

In collaboration with CEU’s Alumni Relations Office, CEU Kerepesi Dormitory, student volunteers, we are coordinating support for refugees in Budapest. Please see info document for Budapest related support here.  

Supporting civil society organizations in Budapest 

CEU’s community engagement office invites civil society organizations to write to us to find ways we can support your work in Budapest and Vienna. 

Write to 

HRSI Film Series

HRSI organized a Benefit film series highlighting Ukraine. All proceeds from the screening were donated to the CEU Donation Drive. The two films screened were-the documentary “Dill of Donbass | Укропи Донбасу” by Honoured journalist of Ukraine Ruslan Horovy which was followed by a discussion with Natalia Dziadyk, a PhD Candidate at the CEU, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations and Ukrainian feature comedy –drama film “My thoughts are silent | Мої думки тихі” by Antonio Lukich on 28th April and 30th April respectively.  

Find details about the documentary “Dill of Donbass” here - 28th April, 18:30, CEU Auditorium QS campus. 

Find details about the dramedy - “My thoughts are silent” here. - 30th April, 18:30, Wipplingerstraße 23, 1010 Wien.

CEU Community Inbox  

The Community Inbox is a student initiative in collaboration with the CEU Art Club and Community Engagement Office to acknowledge and document the complexities of our collective experiences in hope of charting a more inclusive and collaborative path forward during these challenging times.  We encourage everyone to write a note of solidarity for Ukrainian refugees that are staying in the CEU dormitories in Budapest or in other spaces in Vienna. You can send in your notes here 

Benefit Concert for Ukraine 

CEU’s Music Club in collaboration with the Community Engagement’s units (Culture Hub and Human RightS Initiative) organized a benefit concert for Ukraine on 25 March 2022 @Fanialive in Vienna.  

All the proceeds from the event will be used to buy supplies for the CEU Donation Drive. Register for the event here

Cooking for Ukraine 

In collaboration with the Peace Museum (Blutgasse 3/, Wien), CEU students organized a cooking workshop to learn to cook Ukrainian cuisine and learn more about the culture. Donations from the event were forwarded to UNICEF Ukraine.   

You can read the full statement of the Rector here. 

Find more information about CEU's efforts to support those affected by the war here.