CEU students participate actively in matters of governance and management. To ensure adequate student representation the student body elects a Student Union Assembly (SUA)
The representation of students in Austria is regulated under the Austrian Student Union Act ("SUA"). According to Section 1 (3) SUA, all students at Austrian universities (including private universities) are automatically members of the Austrian National Students Union (Österreichische Hochschülerschaft – "OEH"). This means that there is a mandatory OEH membership of all students studying in Austria.
You can check the OEH website and learn about their work, structure, and fees here.
Look at some of their free services and opportunities for students here.
Feel free to reach out to the CEU student union at studentunion@ceu.edu
To learn about our work, events, projects, and other opportunities follow us on:
Facebook: @CEUSU
Sharepoint (requires institutional access)
Find the Student Union Constitution here.
CEU Staff Contact:
Shwetha Nair - Student Engagement Officer, Student Services Office
Further information and latest updates available here.