COEN Pizza Fridays

February 1, 2023
Pizza Friday

February 3, 2023, 17:00 | D-002/ Ground Floor Lounge
Did you know that more than 1 in 3 people released from custody, will reoffend? Or that 47% of the people, who are incarcerated in Austrian prisons are from outside of Austria - receiving little to no support during their time in custody and facing major language barriers?
The aim of Richtungswechsel, an organisation based on the Unlocked Graduates Programme - a two-year leadership graduate scheme during which participants work full-time as prison officers, is to establish a similar graduate scheme in Austria - placing recent graduates as prison officers on the frontline to support the rehabilitation and reduce reoffending.
 We want to hear from current CEU students, to understand your views on the role of a prison officer, rehabilitation, and reoffending. Come to COEN Pizza Friday on February 3rd, and hear more about the opportunities with Richtungswechsel!

