
CEU moving forward - A call for discussion

September 5, 2022

Within thirty short years CEU has developed into a leading research-oriented English language university in Europe that awards US and European dual degrees. We have outstanding, internationally recognized faculty; graduate and, more recently, undergraduate programs that attract the brightest students from around the globe; and a rapidly expanding and strong alumni network. Importantly, in the past five years CEU has also become known globally as the bastion of academic freedom, championing the principles of open societies and access to higher education.

Agora Budapest Program

May 13, 2022

The Community Engagement Office at CEU offers a dedicated course for Ukrainian refugees. Taught in Ukrainian, in person on the Budapest campus, the Agora Budapest Program explores varieties of cultural and historical similarities and differences between Hungary and Ukraine.  

Study Skills Meditation Workshops

February 22, 2022

Dear CEU Community, 

This is a short message to inform you that Study skills meditation workshops will be offered to you by Professor Erzsébet Strausz through the offices of Disability Services and Human Resources.

Recharge Week at CEU

February 1, 2022
Recharge Week

Are you feeling tired of the dark cold winter? Do you need to recharge your batteries? 
Covid permitting, the Community Engagement Office is launching "Recharge Week", in order to give you the chance to mentally and spiritually refresh yourself. This will happen during the week of February 28 – March 4 when a palette of workshops and relaxing and entertaining events will be waiting for you. All you need to do is pick what you want to participate in, and then come and enjoy!