Social Sensitivity Training and Spanish Tutoring / Call for Volunteers

October 29, 2015


Dear CEU Community,
the Human RightS Initiative (HRSI) is pleased to announce a call for volunteers to participate in our Tutoring Program. Our two partner schools, the Miklós Zrinyi Elementary School and the Imre Madách Secondary School, are glad to welcome dedicated, responsible and prompt volunteers for the following options:
1) Spanish Tutoring Program (Imre Madách Secondary School) - a group of students with intermediate knowledge of Spanish and another group of advanced knowledge welcome volunteers to chat or hold short presentations about various topics. Open to Spanish-speaking members of the CEU community!
2) Social Sensitivity Training (Miklós Zrinyi Elementary School) - this program will cover topics related to tolerance, identity, stereotypes, and the like. Due to language barriers, this is currently open only to those members of the CEU community who have a working knowledge of Hungarian.
NOTE: It is possible to participate at only one or two sessions but we are nevertheless looking for responsible and dedicated volunteers!
Details and the exact content of the program are to be developed by those participating, with the support and supervision of HRSI at a meeting prior to the start of the program.
HOW TO APPLY? In case you wish to apply or have any further questions, please send an email to or, indicating which program you want to participate in. Please apply by October 31.
Kind regards,

