Human RightS Initiative (HRSI) in collaboration with School of Public Policy (SPP) is happy to announce the beginning of the application period for 2-days intensive workshop on Budgeting for Human Rights: Why Government Budgets are Important for Realizing Human Rights that will take place on April 21&22, 9.00-12.30.
About the workshop
Government budgets are one of the key policy tools that governments use to shape and implement policies, through raising, allocating and spending public resources to deliver public services and promote development. Understanding how they work – including the actors and processes involved and being able to compare them across countries – is a fundamental skill across many different areas, from economics to public policy, to social movements and social science more generally.
Government budgets are also fundamental in shaping governments’ responses to calls for upholding human rights. While legal frameworks frame the rights that citizens have, government budgets can and should be used to ensure that such legal frameworks do not remain empty promises, but generate and distribute public resources in a way that promote citizen rights in an equal and effective manner.
This short course provides an overview of some of the key issues related to government budgets in recent years across a broad range of countries, and links these to ongoing debates around human rights and government’s role as duty bearers and stewards of public policies.
Most sessions will consist of a 45-minute lecture, followed by discussions and individual/group exercises based on the concepts and materials presented. Case study material will be extensively used.
Please keep in mind that attending the workshop requires doing some obligatory readings, they are to be provided to the accepted participants.
The workshop is open for everyone within and outside of the CEU community. Please remember that we have limited number of spaces though.
Application process
Participants are selected on first-come, first-served basis. If you would like to participate, please, send us an email to no later than Tue, April 14th.
The workshop is free of charge.
Paolo de Renzio is Senior Research Fellow at the International Budget Partnership (IBP) in Washington, DC, and Adjunct Professor at the Institute for International Relations at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). At IBP, he coordinates a research programme on governance, fiscal transparency and development, and is part of the team that produces the Open Budget Index. Before joining IBP, Paolo worked in the Ministry of Finance of Papua New Guinea, with UNDP in Mozambique and as a Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute in London. He has published in various academic journals and has recently co-edited a book called “Open Budgets: The Political Economy of Transparency, Participation and Accountability”. Paolo holds a doctorate in International Relations from the University of Oxford, and a Masters in Development Studies from the London School of Economics, where he also taught from 2006 to 2009.
For further details, don’t hesitate to contact us at