HRSI Launches Tutoring Program/Call for Volunteers

February 18, 2015

Following successful cooperation with the local Roma Minority Self-Government and the Miklós Zrinyi Elementary School, the Human RightS Initiative has decided to establish two projects conducted by members of the CEU community of which children at the school may benefit. We invite you to donate a few of your hours and participate in one of the following:

1)     English Coaching Program (ECP) – participation is open to all members of the CEU community who will go to sessions in pairs (one Hungarian speaker volunteer per pair). The main goal is helping kids with foundations, such as basic vocabulary and everyday phrases.

2)     Social Sensitivity Training (SST) – due to language barriers, this is currently open only to members of CEU who have a working knowledge of Hungarian. The program will cover topics related to identity, stereotypes, prejudice and tolerance.

The sessions for both projects will be held after school on Thursdays starting in mid-March, from 13.00 and 14.00 depending on the childrens’ schedules.

Note: It is possible to participate at only one session but we are nevertheless looking for responsible and prompt volunteers!

Details and the exact content are to be developed by those participating with the support and supervision of HRSI at a meeting prior to the start of the program in late February (exact date to be arranged after the application deadline)

In case you want to apply, please send an email to or indicating in which program you want to participate, no later than February 27.
